Monday, October 14, 2013

Daily Prompt: Find a Poem


Anticipation flickers in through open spaces
on a glistening blanket of air.

Its long ribbons grow sunny, 
streaming in periods of submersion and exposure.

The sensitive spirals live in profusion near the edge 
of protected shores. 

- Connie Gutowsky

This "found poem" is made entirely from words selected from a passage of Rachel Carson’s The Sea Around Us. Carson's words; poet’s sentiment. Connie uses personification, “Anticipation flickers” to bring movement to the noun “anticipation.” The poem communicates more than saying, “I am looking forward.” The poet wrote this poem in a few minutes of a Day Poems' workshop, with no more than imagination and borrowed words, and a heart open to making. 

Daily Prompt: Find a text, something nearby, perhaps a novel you're reading or a newspaper article. Take 10-15 minutes and make a found poem that addresses an emotion you're feeling. Allow yourself to be surprised.

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